Ideal Bed Placement for Your Pet Feline


As cat lovers, people have a tendency to treat their pets as family members. You want to meet all their needs and make sure maximum comfort for them. Knowing the habits and routines of your cat can help you take better care of them. As a cat parent, you know that cats like to spend a lot of time asleep, and buying a Australia cat bed can be beneficial for them in many ways. 

Where to Place the Pet Bed to Make Sure Your Cat Will Use It

Cats like warm and cozy spots, and that is how they select their sleeping area in the first place. Avoid high traffic areas of your house, like the front or back door, and any cool or damp locations. Find a quiet corner that is close to the area where the family often gathers around, such as the kitchen or living room. 

Also, you may place it in your bedroom if you like having your cat sleep closer to you, but remember their night habits if you choose to do that. As soon as you find the right spot, it is time to introduce your pet to the Australia cat bed. However, breaking the sleeping habit of your cat can be a challenging task, here are some tips to help: 

Make it more attractive.

Wash the bed and put a worn item of your clothing, or a blanket your pet loves inside of it. This will help combat the unfamiliar factory smell of a new Australia cat bed that your pet may find a deterrent. Also, you can sprinkle it with its favourite treats or fresh catnip. This can trigger the curiosity of your cat and encourage it to play and roll around the bed. 

If your cat already has a sleeping area, place the bed on a bookshelf, a piece of furniture, or a windowsill, so the cat can still enjoy its favourite spot, but an upgraded version. It is crucial to make sure the bed is well-balanced because if your pet falls out of it, it may never go back to it again. 

Make the cat bed safe and secure. If your cat is a new member of your household, find a place that is not in the way, so it can hide but still be able to peek out and view the surroundings. That way your cat can easily get familiar with all the family members and the surrounding area. 

Give treats once your cat steps into the new bed on its own. Hold a treat up until your pet sits down and then give the treat. Forcing the feline to do something to use the bed can only develop a negative feeling and result in not accepting the bed. 

You may have a hard time encouraging your pet to sleep in the new cat bed. You can make other spots around your house undesirable by spraying them with natural and non-toxic citrus oil like lemon and orange. Sometimes, all it takes is a bit of time until they decide to willingly sleep on the new bed every day.


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